Enter the world of Pokémon (pocket monster), powerful creatures of literally all shapes and ... sizes that inhabit the planet and are used for a world known sport of battling. Our story follows Ash Ketchum, 10 year protagonist who aspires to be the greatest Pokémon trainer like no one has ever known. As is tradition he embarks on his quest to leave home and begin his journey while accompanied with his the electric mouse, Pikachu to scour the globe collecting, training and cataloging the various creatures with the help of his friends, Brock, a former gym leader with a specialty in Rock type Pokémon, and Misty of Water type expertise. Like any other journey, there will always be danger close by in the form of Team Rocket. A secretive organization hellbent on world domination with operatives, Jesse, James and Meowth always close at hand to steal away Pikachu. So come along with join the gang as they explore the Kanto region while uncovering the mysteries the world has to reveal.